Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Right Commencement

In Chapter 13 of 'Through the Mists' Cushna and Fred discuss the barriers to easy communication between those in spirit who wish to assist us and those on earth.
"But we cannot expect too much from them so long as they imagine our only employments are singing 'Glory, glory, glory', or writhing in unutterable torments."  p.152
Fred wonders at how those who wish to be of guidance do not become discouraged.

Cushna responds:
"Our knowledge of the government of God shows us that all the erroneous ideas of men can only delay, they cannot prevent, the success of truth ultimately. They attach an undue importance to the earth-life, and transfer the great advantages, which are the peculiar features of this estate, to the earth condition when they do so. With them everything is determined by the three score years and ten; the temporal governs the eternal; the finite controls the infinite; the things when are not, are placed in jurisdiction over the things which are. We know better and therefore, can wait, if needs be; at the same time, we are not unconscious of the advantage of a right commencement." p.152
Our homework for Book Group this week is to consider and notice the ways in which we place emphasis on the temporal rather than the eternal in our day to day living. e.g. The times that we honour that which is only of this life over our spiritual health and growth.

In my experience it has been often my avoidance of fear that has caused me to break good ethics towards others in favour of feeling safe or comfortable. It is the terror of how others might treat me that at times causes me to modify expression of my true heart and passion, which limits my growth into the person God designed. When I justify fear, I also find myself justifying poor choices for my health and my relationships.

Fear makes us believe that all that we have is right here and now, and that here and now is a small and dangerous place.

The story of 'Through the Mists' demonstrates to us a different reality, one of hope and love not only for the future but also right here and now. The wealth of information available on the Divine Truth Channel and in The Padgett Messages gives us the keys to a perspective far beyond the 'three score years and ten'.

At this time, with the knowledge that so many of us have already been given of God and His Laws, I believe that we have the opportunity of a 'right commencement' i.e. we can use our knowledge of things spiritual to begin to make choices based in Love, Truth and Humility. We can let decisions based in faith, morality and ethics guide our lives rather than listen to the gripes of fear and doubt.

But are we making this choice?

I am letting this question work on my heart this week and asking for guidance to show me the ways in which I am still clinging to the material things to measure my worth, and the ways in which fear may guide me away from Truth and Love. I don't want to waste more time, nor overlook the gifts already presented to me  - I'm aiming for a right commencement.

If you care to, you are welcome to join our group in this reflection.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Mary. I'd like to work on this question in my heart also this week. I can immediately feel how fear and lack of humility, plainly, would make one not choose the right, moral, ethical choice.
    Cuz it 'hurts'. And we feel alone in the big bad, world? That is our deception, yet feels so real.

    I feel that we are given a gift of such truth...if we are truth seekers, we must become truth-sayers as a result...

    'It is the terror of how others might treat me that at times causes me to modify expression of my true heart and passion, which limits my growth into the person God designed. When I justify fear, I also find myself justifying poor choices for my health and my relationships.

    Fear makes us believe that all that we have is right here and now, and that here and now is a small and dangerous place.'

    Touched my heart. Also felt such truth in this.



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